Saturday, April 30, 2011


I realized that time is moving faster as I get older, when I was in elementary school I couldn't believe how long a day took to be done, but now I look back and think,"Where did my high school and college days go?" It feels like just yesterday I was taking my first high school class, trying not to throw up because of the old teacher, details of which I'll spare you of because I really don't want to think of. And now its like everything is coming too fast for me. I wish I could go back to when the days seemed to drag on, for it seems the saying, their isn't enough hours in the day is true.

I wonder if its too late to start my life anew lately, It feels like if I try to start now, I won't finish in time for all the major events in life. Just a few weeks ago I was told by my mom that she and my father would be visiting in seventeen days, and before I knew it, I realized that they are coming in less than a week. Where is my life going, that time seems to speed up every day.

Well thats enough for today, comments are appreciated, but not required

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